【同义词辨析】 2020-05-13 不快offence-huff

offence: implies a marked state of hurt displeasure: takes deep ~ at racial slurs.   marked显著明显的very noticeable,如marked changes显著变化,如本例marked displeasure明显不快   hurt伤害refers to an inflicting of a wound to one's body or feelings对身体或感情造成创伤,如hurt by his callous remarks被他冷酷无情的话伤害,如Christina有首很好听的歌叫hurt伤害)  (no offence无意冒犯、请别介意,是固定搭配,用于可能冒犯别人的话,如no offence, but I really had goose bumps when you sang无意冒犯,但你的歌声让我起鸡皮疙瘩,如you need a bath. no offence别见怪,不过你该洗澡了)     种族歧视语种族蔑称,如有人叫奥巴马奥黑,他指责是对他racial slur

resentment: suggests a longer lasting indignation or smoldering ill will: harbored a life-long ~ of his brother.  indignation愤愤不平愤慨implies anger or annoyance at unfair treatment因为受到不公正待遇,如the letter filled Lucy with indignation这封信使露西愤慨,如they were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated一想到受骗了他们就义愤填膺)     smolder闷烧闷气a fire that burns with thick smoke but no flame有烟无火焰,比喻生闷气,如本例smoldering ill will焖烧的恶意, ill will是简单的反感=antipathy程度不重

umbrage: implies a feeling of being snubbed or ignored: took ~ at a lecturer who debunked American legends.    (除了表示被冷落忽视,更多表示没有理由地生气,如he takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him不管谁批评他,他都心生愤懑,如he's like you, forever taking umbrage about something他象你,总会为了什么事生气)

pique: applies to a transient feeling of wounded vanity: in a ~ she foolishly declined the invitation.   短暂生气,如短语in a fit of pique表示突然短暂的生气,可以作动词,如got piqued by his lack of interest因为他不感兴趣而生气       vanity自尊虚荣

dudgeon: suggests an angry fit of indignation: walked out of the meeting in high ~.   fit短暂而剧烈的活动、或疾病发作   又如he stomped out of the room in high dudgeon愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子, stomp重步走

huff: implies a peevish short-lived spell of anger, usually at a petty cause: in a ~ she threw the ring in his face.   peeve生气suggests the arousing of fretful, often petty, or querulous irritation(因琐事)生气抱怨,如she is easily peeved after a sleepless night她一夜未睡,今天很容易生气)   spell短时间a short period of time,可以谐音记忆

offence冒犯: 指明显不快,感到受伤,resentment愤恨: 表示长时间沉闷的的愤慨反感,umbrage生气: 指感到被冷落忽视,但更多表示无故地,pique生气: 指短暂生气,因为自尊受损,dudgeon愤怒: 表示愤怒发作,huff生气: 指因为琐事短暂生气

记忆方法: 1)首字母ORUPDH想成Hurt PROUD自尊受伤<==不快


         3)不快的意思是对轻蔑侮辱情绪反应mean an emotional response to a slight or indignity.首字母ORUPDH想成Hurt PROUD自尊受伤<==令人不快    indignity侮辱耻辱refers to treatment or circumstances that cause one to feel shame or to lose one's dignity让人感到耻辱失去尊严,如he was subjected to all manner of indignities他遭受了各种侮辱,如the indignity of needing financial help需要财政救助的耻辱)  indignity和indignation虽然词形很接近,但意思不同,一个是遭遇一个是对遭遇的反应